Riley Laurence, Opinion Editor
The rumors are true; Riley Laurence has agreed to give The Red Ledger one last shot. Entering his third consecutive year, Riley is still avoiding social interaction at all costs and drinking an unhealthy amount of Dr. Pepper every day. Riley is a Certified Sno Technician at Bahama Bucks and will not hesitate to go to Chick-fil-a at any given opportunity. He knows every Spongebob episode forwards and backwards and no matter how many people try and stop him, he is probably going to re-watch How I Met Your Mother at least twice before graduation. Despite his attendance history, he has just set a new personal record (5 days) for "Most Days Consecutively Attending School" and is awaiting his honorary plaque. The left side of Riley's bottom lip is paralyzed due to a tragic accident involving a cartwheel, an emergency room, and a permanently damaged facial nerve. He is currently enrolled in online aerobics and will be joining the bowling team because he put off taking an athletic credit until his senior year. All-in-all, Riley is pretty psyched to start his last year of high school as a member of the talented The Red Ledger staff. You can follow Riley on Twitter at @rileylaurence.