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The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

Ben Prengler

Ben Prengler, Photo Editor/Business Manager

Benjamin Prengler has many titles: President of Student Council, President of the Class of 2015, professional drummer, and photojournalist. Through the years he has learned the values of honesty and trustworthiness (unusual traits for a future politician). He is a Junior in Lovejoy High School, and has attended the district since Kindergarten. He is interested in politics; so don’t ask him about anything political, because he’ll give you a long speech. Favorite TV shows include, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, and The Colbert Report. Favorite movies include Inglourious Basterds, Forrest Gump, and The Shawshank Redemption. Favorite food includes, beef brisket, beef ribs, beef brisket sandwich. Favorite drink is Dr. Pepper.

All content by Ben Prengler
As part of the school's Relay for Life event, luminarias are being sold in the commons in support and memory of cancer patients and survivors.

[Photo] Healing, honor, hope

Hannah D’Iorio, Staff Reporter
April 25, 2017
The 2014-2015 varsity volleyball team after winning their sixth state championship.

[Photo] Playing for a cause

Vivien Zhou, Staff Reporter
March 13, 2015

The neon lights

Ben Prengler, Photographer
February 20, 2015
The state has created ways to ensure that wrestlers cut weight in a healthy manner.

[Photo] Safe weight

Kevin Davis, Sports Editor
January 14, 2015

[Photo] State championship for volleyball

Kaylin King, Multimedia Reporter
November 28, 2014
Screen Shot 2014-11-18 at 12.20.50 PM

[Photo] Be careful what you vote for

Nathalie Kroll, Staff Reporter
November 18, 2014
A custom license plate from the EU also made an appearance at the VW Show on Saturday, September 27, 2014.

Oktoberfest Car Show

Ben Prengler, Photo Editor
September 30, 2014
From garters to mums, the Majestic moms have a variety of homecoming accessories for sale every day during lunch.

[Photo] Moms work on mums for months

Haley Brown, Staff Reporter
September 25, 2014
As a result of May's bond election, the school has additional funds to improve campus technology. One of the first areas to be upgraded is increased WiFi coverage, giving students and teachers the ability to connect to the internet all across campus.

[Photo] Campus welcomes new technology

Hannah Ortega, Staff Reporter
September 24, 2014
The fall tv season is here and with it a look at 10 actors worth checking out.

[Photo] 10 actors to watch

Rick Bentley, The Fresno Bee
September 22, 2014
Senior Adam McDaniel and junior Bowman Sells sit on the sidelines during the Lake Dallas game.

[Photo] Q&A: Adam McDaniel

Darby Blaylock, Staff Reporter
September 18, 2014
Photo Essay: Football v. Lake Dallas

Photo Essay: Football v. Lake Dallas

Ben Prengler, Photo Editor
September 13, 2014
Due to budget cuts, acquiring a math lab has become extremely difficult if a student has a record of doing well in math.

[Photo] Math labs help struggling students

Dom Mazero, Staff Reporter
September 11, 2014

Photo Essay: 2014 Graduation

Ben Prengler, Photo Editor
May 31, 2014

Photo Essay: Delisle Departs

Ben Prengler, Photo Editor
May 30, 2014
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