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The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

Alyson Sudak

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter

Alyson Sudak is a sophomore who spends her time cheerleading, running track, and reading majestical amounts of books. She enjoys flying through the air (that's why she spends her time running and tumbling) almost as much as she loves an exceedingly lovely poem. She listens to all kinds of music, from classical to punk rock, and plays the piano and/or the guitar accordingly to what she is listening to at the time. If you do not know “you’re” from “your” she probably doesn't like you. She could recite to you every single sentence from any one of the Harry Potter books, and is still waiting for her letter from Hogwarts (although her eleventh birthday is long passed) She watched all of the Harry Potter movies in one day, once; It was probably the best day of her life. Alyson is going to be a behavioral psychologist when she leaves the jungle the rest of America refers to as “high school,” and is buying a kitten the second she moves out of her parents house, (her father is allergic). You can usually find her in a library, or feeding her coffee addiction at a local coffee shop, but if you talk to her remember that she probably has her earbuds in, and can’t hear you.

All content by Alyson Sudak
Cross country takes Taos

Cross country takes Taos

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
June 27, 2014
Braum's, a local ice cream and food establishment, is hiring younger children than many places.

Braum’s hires young teens

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
April 22, 2014
In the near future it may be possible for people to "brew" a cup of Coke at home.

Coke in a Keurig

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
April 3, 2014

Allen to host color run

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
March 28, 2014
Band is traveling to Disney during spring break.

Band tunes up for spring break

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
March 14, 2014
The tennis team donated 10% of its $3508.25 profit to The Samaritan Inn of McKinney.

Good samaritans on the tennis team

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
February 25, 2014
Diagnosed with alopecia areata universalis, freshman Parker Rexford makes his way through the halls.

Alopecia: beyond appearances

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
February 12, 2014
Scouting for cookies

Scouting for cookies

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
February 4, 2014
Despite the cots in the nurse's office being empty in this picture, they are often filled by sick students.

Flu season taking its toll

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
January 16, 2014
 Only two percent of high school athletes are presented with an athletic scholarship to a college university, seniors Lauren Sturm and Shani Rainey are part of that two percent. Both have earned scholarships to Baylor Uiniversity and Rice University, respectively, for their outstanding athletic ability.

Beating the odds

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
December 13, 2013
Every year the choir program sells Carol-o-grams as a fundraiser to spread holiday cheer.

Choir spreads Christmas spirit

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
December 12, 2013
Black box format a success

Black box format a success

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
November 11, 2013
One dual credit economy class has participated in Muay Thai with their professor. Muay Thai is a combat sport created from the muay martial arts in Thailand that involves fists, elbows, knees, shins, and feet.

Dual credit with a kick

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
November 6, 2013
Sophomore Mikayla Boyelson was a participant in the baby Majestic games for senior Jayme Allen's love.

Baby Majestics bond through game play

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
October 23, 2013
To social media, or to unsocial media?

To social media, or to unsocial media?

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
September 30, 2013
Trading places for Homecoming activities

Trading places for Homecoming activities

Alyson Sudak, Staff Reporter
September 11, 2013
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