Patrick Compton, Staff Reporter
“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda
He directs, writes, edits, voice acts, he owns too many different TARDISes, and loves himself some Marvel Comics. Patrick Compton loves being involved in almost everything having to do with entertainment. However as he puts it he “Does not sports.” He once spent a day editing a video involving Shia Labeouf in the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer. His favorite holiday is Halloween but his favorite time of year is Christmas time, (If that makes any sense.) Thankfully he enjoys food that most people would find gross so that he could have more to himself. Animation is one of his favorite things ever made by humans. Patrick aspires to one day become a professional filmmaker, working on movies with studio backing and large budgets. This year you’ll be able to see his work on video production and the unadulterated nonsensical ramblings he calls “reviews.”