Movies according to Patrick: top 10 of 2015
The Red Ledger’s Patrick Compton gives his take on 2015’s top 10 highest grossing films.
January 21, 2016
Number 10: “Spectre”
Total Domestic Gross: $198,500,048
While Spectre is not as good as it’s predecessor Skyfall, it still manages to bring in all of the classic Bond tropes that many have come to love in full force. Daniel Craig is still a perfect James Bond, the story is relatively easy to follow while also not being too simple, the villain and his henchman are joys to see on screen, and everything still has the suave feel that any good 007 movie has.
Number 9: “Cinderella”
Total Domestic Gross: $201,151 353
A live action remake of Cinderella had no reason to exist, especially being made by Disney who has already done the most recognizable version of the story. However with that being said this version is rather harmless and if you or somebody you know really wanted to see it, then it’s at least worth one viewing, but it’s also probably not worth seeing again.
Number 8: “The Martian”
Total Domestic Gross: $226,486,935
The Martian is an interesting, enthralling and realistic survival story set in space starring Matt Damon. First of all if that doesn’t sell this feature to you, I don’t know what you want. This film is the only one on this list to be nominated for the Academy’s best picture and it is definitely worth that honor. If you have not seen this one, do yourself a favor and fix that it’s definitely worth it, and be sure to stay away from anything slightly able to provide spoilers.
Number 7: “The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2”
Total Domestic Gross: $277,578,487
The decent conclusion to a decent series of films. Despite having a great cast who all seem to be having fun with their roles, this film is still a pretty predictable young adult film. The slow pacing also perfectly exemplifies why this final chapter in the hunger games series did not need to be two parts.
Number 6: “Minions”
Total Domestic Gross: $336,045,770
Like Cinderella’s remake, a Minions film had almost no reason to ever exist, yet it was made anyway because money talks. However, the film at least attempts to make a cute little comedy for their mostly child-focused audience. For the most part it succeeds and there are some good jokes in here as well as some funny performances from the film’s antagonist. (Played by Sandra Bullock.) If you really like the Minions that much, then this film is a solid watch.
Number 5: “Furious 7”
Total Domestic Gross: $353,007,020
Fast and Furious is one of those rare movie franchises that just gets better with each installment. It knows exactly what it is, a silly but cool action romp with plenty of passion for what’s being put on screen. Furious 7 also provides a perfect send off to the late great Paul Walker in his final performance before his tragic death.
Number 4: “Inside Out”
Total Domestic Gross: $356,045,770
Inside Out is quite possibly Pixar’s best film yet. The movie is one that both children and adults can get a lot out of. Colorful characters that are both funny and heartwarming, Beautiful animation and character design and a unique message that is sure to get almost anybody emotional. (Pun intended).
Number 3: “Avengers: Age of Ultron”
Total Domestic Gross: $459,005,868
The Avengers are still as charming as they were before. Ultron is a vastly more intimidating, interesting and memorable antagonist than most of what Marvel has had before, and the story is not afraid to go a bit darker than what most would most likely expect.
Number 2: “Jurassic World”
Total Domestic Gross: $652,270,625
Jurassic World is without a doubt the second best Jurassic Park film, which is not very difficult to accomplish but it’s still a good watch. The film contains a likeable cast of characters, (particularly Chris Pratt,) very cool dinosaurs doing very cool dinosaur things, and the warm feeling of the original Jurassic Park finds it’s way into this one many times. So grab a ticket and take a trip to Jurassic World. (Also, this film has the greatest ending in the history of anything.)
Number 1: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”
Total Domestic Gross: $812,734,828
An exceedingly fun throwback to the original “Star Wars” films with wonderful practical and visual effects, a fantastic score, timeless old characters and interesting new ones with a very well selected cast to play them, Star Wars: The Force Awakens paves the way for a very bright future for Disney’s new “Star Wars” franchise.