Along with new new safety measures in classrooms, in order to educate students about safety procedures the high school has introduced Safety Wednesdays and Puster Elementary School has started holding puppet shows that go over proper safety procedures.
“We have received great feedback on the new features this school year,” campus security officer Casey Littlefield said. “Staff members are excited to have been given tools that are both simple and effective to use. I think it brings them a great peace of mind knowing they have those tools at their disposal, and that peace of mind allows them to truly focus on the needs of our students.”
Puster introduced the puppet show called the Safety Sam Show in September and since then have been showing one on the first Monday of every month.
“We wanted to create a fun and innovative way to educate elementary age students on safety and security topics,” director of safety and security Dan Buholtz said. “We were fortunate enough that our security officer is a puppeteer, and we thought a puppet show would be a great way to develop awareness with those students.”
Along with safety procedures the show teaches children lessons about responsibility, fairness and respect.
“Kids have the ability to absorb lots of information, up to four different languages as children,” Puster campus security officer Jose Segura said. “Teaching them safety at such a young age is like teaching them a new language, the language of caution, of risk, of potential injury or hazards. One, if not the most important thing parents think about is the safety of their children. Teaching the kids safety at such a young age is fulfilling an unspoken request that all parents have.”