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Thursday, January 2, 2025

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

Katie Egger

Katie Egger, Photographer

Katie Egger is a first time newspaper staff member.  Sure it’s the last semester of her senior year, but it was either this or lose her sanity in AP Biology. She is Captain of the Majestics dance team and therefore likes to dance. She likes all kinds of food except spicy food, and sleep, all kinds except no sleep, and people, not a lot of them, and that’s about it. She enjoys dry humor and uses sarcasm a lot, sometimes when she shouldn’t, but it lightens the mood so why not? She’s not good with technology or social media and up until six months ago you could count her tweets on one hand. She is the officially known as the Third Wheel to the Original Amiga and Random Girl’s relationship.

All content by Katie Egger