Birth rates decline: The United States’ birth rate has fallen 4% in the past year. The birth rate is below replacement for the sixth year in a row, averaging 55.8 births per 1,000 women ages 15-44. This is the lowest birth rate since 1974.
Significance: In 1950, women had an average of three children. Currently, that average is at 1.6 children. The overall United States birth rate has been declining for years, however the decline recently accelerated. Unplanned and teenage pregnancy fell 8% in recent years. This also reflected a demographic shift in women having children later in life.
Uncontrolled Reentry: A Chinese rocket entered into an “uncontrolled reentry.” This is one in a series of rockets, which the Chinese Space Agency controls re-entry. The rocket booster is currently in orbit and is predicted to fall some time during Saturday or Sunday. It is inconclusive where the booster will fall. It could fall anywhere from Sudan to somewhere in the United States.
Significance: The Chinese Space Agency is increasing the frequency and amount of missions they are carrying out. This mission is to carry supplies to build their new space station: Tianhe. The Chinese Space Agency is planning several other launches this year. This raised concerns from other countries with their track record of rocket reentry.