Ever since the popular chain of fast food restaurants opened up on Stacy Road a few years ago, it has become an extremely crowded spot on an already busy street. With only a few entrances and exits to the various parking lots, it can be hard to go from one location to another as most of the parking lots are not connected.
This often leads to traffic backups as drivers only have one way in and out. However with the opening of several new businesses, a rumor began to spread that a back road connecting all the parking lots was going to built.
The rumor had gained enough traction that even employees at In-N-Out were excited.
“Safety wise I feel like this would really help, it would probably decrease all of the traffic that seems to build up around the restaurants,” Rob said.
Unfortunately, rumors about a new road are nothing more than rumors. A quick call to the Allen Engineering and Traffic Department confirmed that there are no plans for a back road that will connect the parking lots on Stacy Road.