Everyone has listened to music at some point in their life. Whether it was in an elevator, on an iPhone, at church, or at a concert. However, not many can claim that they have written the lyrics, the music, and even performed those songs.
Freshman Heidi Zettl is one of the few that can. When she is not studying for her next chemistry test, she is rehearsing with her band. When she is not writing essays in French, she is writing lyrics for her label. When she is not playing the cello in orchestra, she is getting paid to play the accompaniment for another artist.
“I am the lead singer and keyboardist in the band,” Zettl said. “The music I compose is a mix of pop, folk, country, and techno genres. It is really important to me because it allows for me to set goals and challenge myself, so I develop a good work ethic.”
The Heidi Zettl Band’s lead singer is also their youngest member. At age 15, Heidi is younger by 2-4 years compared to the band’s other members.
Together, the band has played at many different venues.
“We have played at Six Flags, Whiteright Grande Street Festival, McKinney’s “Dickens of Christmas”, and Ft. Worth Sundance Square Parade of Light,” Zettl said.
Heidi, by herself, has performed at eight separate gigs, including Steinway Hall. Although she loves music, the time and effort it requires to be successful can take its toll on her.
“She studies going to and coming from her music activities. She knows school comes first. If she can’t keep up with school, music must be scaled back,” Heidi’s mom Jana Zettl said. “She has sacrificed many events to practice with her band. They practice nearly every Friday night and Sunday afternoon. It is long, hard hours, but they all have a great time together as well.”