The World Series is the final chain of games to determine the “best” team in all of baseball. The road to reach the World Series is a long difficult process that tests each teams individual and group...
Juniors Ava Palazzolo and Mckenzie Quigley have been playing lacrosse together for 10 years. When they started in 1st grade they dreamed of being able to play in college. Their dreams became reality as...
This past Saturday, both the boys and girls cross country team raced in Fayetteville, Arkansas at the Chile Pepper Festival. Both teams took their top 23 runners to compete in the varsity open division...
Volleyball has not taken their foot off the gas and keeps plowing through their competition as they are on a 6 game win streak in district. They defeated their rivals, the McKinney North Bulldogs, in three...
Last Thursday, each grade. participated in Powder Puff Football. This is an annual homecoming event where a select number of girls from each grade play each other in football. The seniors won the event.