Summer 2023 was full of new movies, shows and songs. Films such as "The Little Mermaid," "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" hit the box office with a bang. We finally received the highly anticipated second season...
On April 5, “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” opened in theaters and was everything I expected, but left me wanting more. This movie has a stacked cast starring Chris Pratt as Mario, Anya Taylor-Joy as...
The baseball team has been caught in the spotlight recently, but not for what one would think. Sure, the team has been tallying wins left and right as they currently have a 20-6 overall record. In addition...
The 2023 film, “Air,” tells the true story on the origin of Air Jordan, the distinguished basketball shoeline. The film is directed by Ben Affleck and Alex Convery, and stars many prominent actors....
TRL’s Mia Reaugh shares her experience at Taylor Swift’s 'Eras Tour.'
“Hi, my name is Taylor,” musical icon Taylor Swift says introducing herself to a crowd of 80,000 people as if they don’t...
Along with an endless of supply of lovable characters, ‘Ted Lasso’ has brought a heartwarming plot to TV screens since 2020. The first episode of season three, released on March 15, continues this...
“Jesus Revolution” is a movie that will make you laugh, cry and feel like you're on the silver screen instead of watching it. It is truly one of the best faith based movies I have ever seen. Greg Laurie...
AP Art History students spent some of the first semester learning about the Chartres Cathedral. Then during the second semester, some of those students visited that very cathedral in France as a part of...
The Academy Awards, commonly known as the Oscars, took place on March 12. Hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, fans and actors alike looked forward to finding out which films would bring home the most awards. The show...