Top 5 worthy remakes

The Red Ledger's Cameron Stapelton reviews the top five video remakes.

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The Red Ledger’s Cameron Stapelton reviews the top five video remakes.

Cameron Stapleton, Staff Reporter

With the flood of remakes suffocating the market, there are only a handful worth full retail price for a game that has been released before. Below is a list of five remakes worth every penny.

  1. Grim Fandango (PC, PS4, PS Vita) $15

This is a remake of the puzzle based classic on next-gen consoles. Graphics are largely the same but voice acting has had a modern overhaul. After all these years, Grim Fandango is still a hit.

  1. Resident Evil HD Remaster (PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Xbox One) $20

The mother of all survival horror games and the start of the zombie game obsession. Graphics and voice acting are miles better, far improving the old Playstation textures and audio.

  1. The Last Of Us Remastered (PS4) $25-40

The great PS3 hit brought us the world of 60 frames per second and amazing textures and graphics. The Last of Us Remastered has a great story, amazing graphics, and top notch voice acting. A must have for any PS4 owner.

  1. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (Xbox 360) $10-20

The game that saved the original Xbox is brought to life on its next console. Totally overhauled graphics, voice acting, and music, this is what all remasters should be like.

  1. Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection (PS3, Xbox 360) $15-25

Five remastered games, all hits, and all classics, with slightly redone graphics, HD resolution, and better voice acting, this game is by far the best bang for your buck on the list.