With intense action scenes and lots of interpersonal conflicts, Marvel’s newest TV miniseries, “Moon Knight,” brings a refreshing change to the classic MCU format. The final episode of “Moon Knight” was released on May 4.
The story follows Marc Spector, a man with dissociative identity disorder (DID) that is a result of his past trauma. Spector’s alter ego, Steven Grant, gets wrapped up in Marc’s battles in which he takes over as Moon Knight. Moon Knight then fights off evil Egyptian gods, and the series follows his struggles.
The series starts off strong but is definitely confusing without prior knowledge. However, as time goes on it starts to make more sense as the characters develop, and it leaves you wanting to watch more.
One thing that was very interesting was that the finale was the shortest episode. There was a lot to wrap up after the penultimate episode, and while they did manage to finish it all, it felt rushed. More time could have been spent displaying the outcomes of the final battle and showing what the ending for Marc’s wife was afterward.
Oscar Isaac fit perfectly into this Marvel role. He essentially played two characters through the entire series, but it was clear that he put his full effort into both. It will be interesting to see what the character does in the future, and it is clear that he is playing one of the most difficult roles in the MCU.
Another character that was introduced in this series is the Scarlet Scarab (May El Calamawy). Her non-superhero name is Layla in the show, and she goes through her transformation in the final episode. It made her character’s role in the show and the future much larger and is exciting to see what will happen in the future.
Overall, the show was not the best of Marvel’s television series, but it will definitely satisfy any MCU fan with Moon Knight’s origin story. Moon Knight will obviously have a very important role in the future.
Rating: B