The intuition behind instruments


Matthew Norwood, Staff Reporter

Choir, band, and orchestra happen to be a few of the most popular extracurriculars on campus. For some they define their time in high school and for others they are a fun hobby on the side. No matter the case, these classes provide lifelong assistance just by teaching an instrument or skill, which can provide timeless entertainment and mental benefits.

Instruments provide a goal. They offer something to strive for. What makes them so effective in this purpose is that instruments are fun and everyone loves music. The one thing better than listening to music is being able to play it, as that stimulates an even greater number of senses and creates self-confidence upon completion of a song.

The aforementioned classes offer a great opportunity to learn an instrument, and the sheer number of years you can spend in these classes means perfection is as accessible as your work ethic makes it. Such classes also help create a focus on teamwork, and the ability to match your own productivity to someone else’s to create a good sound together, qualities which do wonders in the workplace. This all goes without mentioning that most of the instruments offered by the school are highly respected as venues of entertainment, and being able to say you play the violin is a boon in any college application.

Instruments outside of classes have less extrinsic academic merit but as much if not more personal intimacy. Instruments like the guitar or ukulele create a feeling of brotherhood when one plays with their friends, as the swooning strums create a celebration of music and friendship. There are few experiences more enjoyable than singing a song with people you care about, and that is most fun when one of your friends can showcase their skill on an instrument while leading along.

There are numerous physical benefits as well, which can serve to help throughout your lifetime. Instruments help increase coordination, focus, arithmetic ability, and memory capacity. All such qualities can only improve your life, and make your career easier.

Instruments are often thought of as just a hobby, or something to enjoy while you have time. Yet the qualities they create are irreplaceable, and are a must-have for those who enjoy the small things in life. So this summer take the time to learn something new, challenge yourself, and jam out.