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The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

New teacher brings fresh perspective to AP language

Meridan Cavanaugh, Student Life Editor October 12, 2011

There are a few new teachers at the school this year, and one of those is in the English department. Natalie Page has just been hired as an AP English Language teacher. Page taught and student-taught...

Kate Smith

Kate Smith

Katie Curry, Staff Reporter October 9, 2011

The average child does not experience too many drastic changes. The child can maybe move from state to state or go to different schools but for sophomore Kate Smith, her childhood was a little bit more...

Taylor Todd

Taylor Todd

Ginger Hervey, Editor-in-chief October 2, 2011

Typical summer activities for an incoming freshman girl: go to the mall with friends, watch movies, hang out by the pool, and do some summer reading homework (maybe). These are the kinds of experiences...

Mr. Williams recovers from apartment fire

Mr. Williams recovers from apartment fire

Sam McCorcle, A&E Editor September 28, 2011

At the end of last school year, staff member Thomas Williams’ apartment complex suffered an electrical fire resulting in the loss of most of his personal possessions. In addition, budget cuts in the...

Key Club makes its debut at the high school

Meridan Cavanaugh, Student Life Editor September 14, 2011

Caring–Our Way of Life. This is the motto of Key Club, a popular community service club on campus. Some students may not know, but our school’s Key Club is actually part of an international organization....

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