Take 2: Lockdown protests, spacecraft anniversary


Hannah Gonzalez

The Take 2 series features brief weekly updates on the state or nation’s relevant news for the community.

Coronavirus Protests: Around 2500 people gathered at the Washington State Capitol on Sunday to protest against strict stay-at-home orders. In Texas, protesters met at the Capitol in Austin to challenge Gov. Abbot’s lockdown, in addition to protests in California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Minnesota, Maryland, Colorado, Florida,Virginia and Kentucky.

Significance: The protesters are going against the “tyranny” and government overreach to determine which jobs are essential, causing harm to many small businesses. People carried Don’t Tread on Me flags and various signs with slogans such as, “Give me liberty, or give me Covid-19” to show their frustration with the lockdowns. 

Hubble Space Telescope Anniversary: Friday marks 30 years since the Hubble Space Telescope was launched. The spacecraft, weighing more than 12 tons and a length of over 43.5 feet, was built by Lockheed Martin. It orbits Earth from 340 miles away, traveling at five miles per second. While in orbit, it takes pictures of stars, galaxies and planets. 

Significance: Since its launch on April 24, 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has made over one million observations. Besides taking pictures of space, the observations have helped scientists learn more about the universe, such as its age, black holes, and atmospheres of planets revolving around stars. The design of the spacecraft allows repairs to be made when needed to keep it in orbit. Although it has lasted 30 years, it is expected to last beyond 2020.