Lunch catering considers adding sushi to the menu
Junior Kioko Jahn samples a piece of sushi during C lunch from director of nutrition Mat McCarty.
October 8, 2015
This year has marked a distinct change in how lunch works. Instead of the typical school meals, the cafeteria has begun introducing Chick-Fil-A as a meal-time option, a decision which seems to be marking a precedent for future changes to the lunch menu.
On Wednesday, Oct. 7, the school previewed and tested a sushi cart in all three of the school lunches, under directive from Director of Nutrition Mat McCarty.
“We’re trying to expand offerings, and give more variety,” McCarty said. “This was offered by a vendor. It’d be interesting to see the response. So far, everyone has liked it.”
Senior Alyssa Gomez was one of the students who gave the sushi a positive review.
“I like sushi, and this sushi was not bad at all,” senior Alyssa Gomez said. “I would be fine with having this as a permanent meal choice. I’d eat it and really enjoyed it when I had it today. Great job by the school.”
The details still need to be worked out, and as of now the plan is in its initial stages of action. Whether or not the sushi would be sold in lines, for an extra cost, or only on certain days is yet to be announced.
“The sushi is something I’d get as long as it isn’t very expensive like the Chick-Fil-A,” senior Cole Carnes said. “I wouldn’t eat it all the time but it’s definitely different and it’s good enough to make me want to come back for more.”
McCarty noted the student reaction’s impact on the final decision.
“Sushi is trending right now, a big reason why we chose it,” McCarty said. “This is the only test we do, so today is what we’ll be relying on to make our final decisions. We’ve had positive reviews, which makes it probable that we will make it permanent.”