Featured athlete: Brittani Brooks
‘I’m very competitive and I want to do whatever it takes to get me in the best position to win.’
October 6, 2015
Sport: Tennis
Height: 5’3”
Experience: 6 years
Key stat: Averages one ace per match
Racket preference: Babolat Pure Drive
Favorite pre-game meal: Jason’s Deli French Onion soup and crackers
Future Occupation: Speech Therapist
Favorite tennis player(s): Rafael Nadal and Serena Wiliams
Favorite pre-game music: Rap
Favorite quote: 1 Corinthians 10:13
Three words that describe you: Happy, energetic, and random
The Red Ledger: Do you play tennis outside of school?
Brittani Brooks: Yes, I have played for the United States Tennis Association (UTSA) and I was nationally ranked in the 16s division.
TRL: Have you been recruited for tennis, and if so, how has the recruiting process gone?
BB: Yes, I have been recruited, and the recruiting process has been going really well.
TRL: What motivates you to work and train hard in tennis?
BB: I’m very competitive and I want to do whatever it takes to get me in the best position to win.
TRL: Why did you decide that you wanted to play tennis?
BB: I decided that I wanted to play tennis because I picked up the sport real quickly, and I liked it a lot.
TRL: What are some of your strengths in tennis?
BB: Some of my strengths in tennis are my backhand, speed, volleys, and my serve.
TRL: What are some of the areas in your tennis game that you can improve on?
BB: Some of my areas of improvement in my tennis game are, being able to hold long points and being more aggressive.
TRL: Pre-game rituals or routines?
BB: Not really, I just pray and stretch before every match.
TRL: What are some of your goals for this tennis season?
BB: To win as many matches as possible, so that my team has the best chance of winning.