Summer gaming anticipated

Batman: Arkham Knight is one of the many games being released this summer.
April 29, 2015
Just like with movies, many blockbuster games are released over the summer to capitalize on warm weather and no school. Here is a list of five of the best looking games coming out this summer.
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Release date: May 19, PC, PS4, Xbox One)
Continuing the story of Geralt of Rivia, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is going to be over 200 hours long with environments and landscapes ten times the size of the previous games.
Splatoon (Release date: May 29, WiiU)
Splatoon is a third person “shooter” of sorts, where four players team up to fight against another team of four. Players control characters named inklings, who can change between humans and squid forms. The whole idea of the game is to shoot the other team with ink, which will send the enemy players back to the spawn point. Alternatively, there is also going to be a single player campaign.
Batman: Arkham Knight ( Release date: June 23, PS4 Xbox One, PC)
This game will be the last in the series, and most likely the best. It takes place one year after the events of Arkham City with Batman struggling with new enemies and his own internal conflicts. It is complete open world setting, with a map five times bigger than its predecessor. The game looks and sounds great and should be an instant classic.
God of War 3 Remastered (Release date: July 14. PS4)
A remaster of the much loved PS3 classic comes to PS4 this summer, with updated graphics and framerate. As with the other God of War games, the setting is an alternative ancient Greece populated by Olympic gods, titans, and other characters from Greek mythology.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Release date: September 1 for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. September 15 for PC)
The sequel to last year’s short Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, The Phantom Pain takes every loved aspect of the Metal Gear series and brings it to a huge open ended world of amazing landscapes and story. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will also include the impressive looking Metal Gear Online.