Never grow up

Working on a computer, Owen Higgins spends some time in his dad’s room (Brian Higgins). Just 7-years-old, Owen is comfortable using both computers and iPads, but Pierce Goddard wonders if kids are being rushed to grow up.
March 9, 2015
At just the blink of an eye, one’s life quickly speeds pass them, almost as if one’s past never even happened. As children, we always wanted to be treated like adults and given the same privileges, but now that we are actually treated like adults, there is nothing I would want more than to be a child again.
Like the old saying, “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence,” childhood and adulthood both have their advantages and disadvantages. Children get to sleep more, but they also have a bedtime, compared to adults, who get to choose what they want for dinner every night, yet have to make it for themselves since their parents aren’t around to take care of them anymore.
This past snow day, a few friends of mine all got together, and instead of doing the usual “Netflix and phones” trend we usually follow, we decided to change things up a little bit. We ended up building a fort, eating ice cream, and playing Rock Band all day. Although this might not seem like an enjoyable experience to have at first, it ended up being one of my favorite days of this school year.
No matter how much we might hate to admit it, we all still have that urge to act like a child sometimes and goof off with neither the consequence, nor responsibility.
Remember when you were a kid and if something didn’t go your way, you would just throw a huge temper tantrum? Well yeah, If you do that as an adult, not only will you be looked at in a funny sort of way, but you might also be investigated by the police about some questionable drugs that may or may not have been slipped to you.
But all jokes aside, adulthood does have its benefits. There is freedom to pursue almost anything you want, while not being nagged by a parent about every single thing in your life. Sooner or later, our lives will be bombarded with responsibilities and tasks that will eventually take over our lives, leaving us with no choice but to leave the fun-filled past behind.
So to all of my fellow classmates, please be sure to take this small amount of time we are given as teens, and to use it wisely. Instead of sitting at home doing nothing, make long-lasting memories with your friends that you will look back on in 10 years and not regret any of it. Well, you might regret your decisions, but never regret the experience.