The benefit of extracurricular limits

The benefit of extracurricular limits

Rachel Jackson, Staff Reporter

When formatting one’s schedule we are instructed to choose three extracurriculars and two alternatives. To most this seems inconsequential, considering we usually choose the same opportunities every year, however I think the administration should start limiting extracurriculars.

Now when I say “extracurriculars” I don’t mean just athletics, journalism, fine arts, etc. I want them to include clubs, pop groups, or UIL events because these opportunities take up time as well and time is a precious luxury that we often overlook.

I know an individual who has committed themselves to Majestics, choir, pop groups, theater, seminary every morning, and is heavily involved in church. She barely has enough time to squeeze in a social life between her seminary at 5:45 a.m. then straight to Majestics practice afterwards, not to mention rehearsing for the the school’s musical everyday after school whilst balancing academics with her church schedule. She hasn’t had a calm, lazy day in weeks.

These are the types of people who often overcommit themselves and honestly, it limits them. If they weren’t overbooked then they would have more time to explore passions and meet new people, maybe even do something for themselves for a change. The school has the power to limit the amount of extracurriculars one participates in and I wish they would consider this opportunity.

At first glance this seems unfair. We should be able to commit ourselves to how many organizations we see fit because we like to think we know our own capabilities better than anyone else. Also, if we do join too many associations then we assume it’s acceptable to drop a few in order to free up our time. We know ourselves better than anyone else so we should know our boundaries and how many projects we are able to pursue, correct?

Nevertheless we are dogmatic people. We don’t like to admit our mistakes and when we overcommit ourselves to too many organizations it only adds more stress to our already emotional lives as teenagers. The freedom to join multiple activities is almost too much liberty, considering we often complain about how busy our schedules are. Also, wouldn’t you rather give more attention to lesser activities and thrive in those opportunities rather than be overwhelmed by the other extracurriculars.

Administration should consider restricting the amount of activities by limiting students to two major extracurricular such as athletics and choir. If not, before we know it, we will be over-committing ourselves and won’t be able to enjoy the free time we once had.