Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Cameron Stapleton reviews Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare where players can take the character of Jack Mitchell, an ex-Marine who joins a military-for-hire company.
January 6, 2015
Call of Duty is the biggest and highest grossing first person shooter series of all time. It started with humble beginnings in 2001 with a WWII setting, but since 2007 has based itself in modern and future conflicts. The newest installment, Advanced Warfare, is the eleventh installment, and focuses on a future conflict taking place in 2054.
Right off the bat, Advanced Warfare shows off some pretty impressive cutscenes with advanced graphics and great voice acting. There is an actual backstory to the main character this time, something that has never been done well in a Call of Duty game to date. Players take the role of Jack Mitchell, an ex-Marine who joins the Atlas Corporation, a military-for-hire company. As Mitchell, players go through many missions with memorable and likeable characters. Some of the plot twists are predictable, but some aren’t, making the game a thrill ride from beginning to end. Plot has been extremely lacking in creativity and entertainment for years, so Advanced Warfare is a dream-come-true for many Call of Duty fans who like plot heavy campaigns. Still though, it lacks what other games have: and unpredictable plot.
Multiplayer has seen the same graphics overhaul as single player, but the gameplay mechanics are the same as every other Call of Duty game. The guns are brand new and have never been seen in other Call of Duty games, which makes for a new and exciting experience. There is also a new survival mode called Exo-survival, which is basically surviving wave after wave of high powered soldiers in special Exo suits (high tech body armor with different properties in game).
All in all, this game is the best Call of Duty game since 2010. The plot is exciting and new, and multiplayer is fun and engaging as always. It is easily worth $60 for all that it offers.
Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3.
Reviewed on PS4.