Shading the summertime shine

April 11, 2014
As most of you know, it is indescribably difficult to try and look presentable on a hot summer day or at a grimey sandy beach. Between the sand, the (unfortunate) sweat and the crazy beach hair it stinks.
But I have the answer to this: floppy hats are the best solution to this problem.
I absolutely adore floppy hats. I love all hats actually, but I’m the summer they do more than create hat head or match your outfit at a derby; they have many useful benefits. For instance, they can cover up a bad hair day.
A Floppy hat also will make you look very mysterious and old fashioned if you pair it with dark cat-eyed sunnies. You could also slip on a high waisted bikini with the above combination and look very mod.
You can also wear your hat to a derby. Not that we have many derbies in Fairview, but one can dream. Anyway, no derby outfit is complete without a girly wide brim.
If you have porcelain skin, (porcelain, not pale), floppy hats can protect the skin on your face from going from china doll to Kim Kardashian post Mexico 2009. I promise, even if you don’t want to wear a floppy hat for some strange reason, it will be very worth it. Wide brimmed hats are a basic necessity.
Some super sweet hats to score before the spring/summer months are:

Anonymous • Apr 15, 2014 at 6:25 pm
Don’t really understand how this is news or journalism in any way? It’s not even proper grammar…
Liz Schasel • Apr 16, 2014 at 8:55 am
Journalism is divided into two broad categories: news and opinion. Opinion pieces can take a variety of forms, but most fall into one of the following subcategories: columns, editorials, reviews and blogs. As you can see, this post is categorized as a blog. Blogs are posted weekly and the subject matter is entirely up to the writer.