PALS open to applicants
Incoming juniors and seniors can pick up PALS applications in the school store.
March 26, 2014
PALS applications are now available for pick up in the school store. PALS (Peer Assistance and Leadership Skills) is an elective that students in 11th and 12th grade can take.
“Applying for PALS was one of the most stressful things I did concerning senior year,” senior Madison Hancock said. “The interviews were so nerve-racking, and so was waiting to see if I made it or not.”
The goal of PALS is to encourage young people to make a difference in their schools and communities by providing leadership skills, confidence-building activities, academic help, supportive guidance while also providing a friendship to elementary school students.
“My favorite part of PALS is getting to interact with the elementary school kids,” senior Dan Cole said. “I would encourage any student to grab an application because it’s definitely worth it.”