My rules for life

March 10, 2014
Though I may only be 16, I have learned quite a few things throughout my comparably short life. Everyone has their own rules for life and whether it may be to follow the rules or not, not only what we do defines who we are, but also why we do it.
Life is tough and so are some of the people you will meet in it. So, you have to be careful who you trust and who you may be close with. My first rule is that you must be ‘close’ friends for someone for at least two years before you completely trust them. I have learned to hold no exceptions to this rule. At the two year mark people’s true personalities are always evident. I like to hold back until I know I can fully trust someone, and I don’t think that that is necessarily a bad thing.
If you trust people too quickly, a lot of bad things can happen to you. I have honestly experienced this first hand. This rule is very important to me and I always will try to follow it in life.
My other rule is to be productive. All of the time. This not only means with work and school, but also with friends and downtime. Relaxing in a hammock is productive as long as you are happy doing it and it means something to you.
To me, it is important to remember what exactly is the meaning of life is. By meaning of life, it’s different for every person, but I can guarantee that in order to live out that meaning you must do something that is productive to you. That is why always being productive is a key point to your meaning of life.
If you were unhappy in what you’re doing, there’s no point in doing it, right?
So as you can tell things like the meaning of life and the rules to life are different for everyone. So, what are your rules? When we share our rules to life we can grow and flourish more by learning through others’ experiences. I challenge you to comment below with the answers I have asked you in this blog post.