Schedule changes create chaos for counselors
When picking what classes to take, it is important that students consider more than just the GPA and grades, and remember to challenge themselves.
January 8, 2014
The start of the spring semester is here and for counselors it’s one of the busiest times for the year as hundreds of students are requesting schedule changes.
“At the beginning of the semester, are all we do,” counselor Amanda Breeden said.
Changing a schedule is always a tricky process; sometimes the classes students want are unavailable and they get thrown into a class they don’t want to be in.
“My schedule is too tight [to change],” sophomore Will Viloria said. “Last year I waited three days before my schedule was changed, and I had to go to the classes I didn’t want for a while.”
The counselors do their best to make sure every student is happy with their schedule, which is why they provide the opportunity for students to change their schedule.
“[The schedule changes] definitely give us more work to do,” student services receptionist Wendy Herring said. “It’s been really busy.”
With so many changes, the counselor’s office has been packed full students desperate to change their classes.
“There’s not enough room to sit down half the time,” counselor’s aid Kassidy Cox said. “There’s just a rush of people coming in all the time.”
While the counselors work hard, there are just three of them and changing schedules takes time.
“We got three new aids this week,” Cox said. “We’re trying to help the counselors out as much as we can.”
Dr. Wily • Jan 8, 2014 at 9:21 pm