My transition to a smart phone: a modern epic poem


Liz Schasel, Editor-in-chief

Remember back in middle school,
When kids were all the same?
You had to have the newest trend,
Or you were pretty lame.

Vera Bradley, blue eyeliner,
Silly Bandz, and more.
Each time something new came out,
We all rushed to the store.

Our technology especially,
Went through many-a-phase.
We always had the newest phones,
Within a couple days.

The coolest kids in fifth grade
Had the Motorola Razr.
I got that cool phone too, ya know,
But not ‘til three years later.

By this time kids had iPhones,
And were waiting for the next.
Especially the white iPhone—
I guess that one was the best.

Although I was behind the times,
I wasn’t eager to catch up.
Satisfied with my non-smart-phone,
I believed I had enough.

We became the butt of many jokes,
My humble phone and I.
I stayed loyal to the big ‘ol brick,
As holidays passed by.

But here we are, 2012,
And my birthday just arrived.
At last I got a smart phone and
My social life revived.

Suddenly I can download apps,
And use the internet too.
I even have a touch screen,
There’s so much I can do!

Turns out the phone has consequences
I did not predict.
The day after I got it
I became a phone addict.

I went to bed with neck pain,
After looking down all day.
There were so many apps to download,
I couldn’t put it away.

I suffered from sleep deprivation
From playing Words With Friends.
My gallery was FILLED with selfies
From my new frontal lens.

I became what I had always feared—
A teenage stereotype.
After years of cell phone deprivation,
I understood the hype.

As of yet I have not found a cure,
For my android infatuation.
But at least now I understand the struggles
Of my first-world generation.