Take some time for yourself


Pierce Goddard, Staff Reporter

Throughout the week, students have little to no opportunity for down time: balancing hours of homework, perhaps a job to earn money, the task of having a social life almost seems impossible, oh and not to mention the eight to ten hours of sleep every teenager is supposed to get every night.

Sometimes you need a little time for yourself. With all of the pressure from school and your home life, it seems as if there is no time to just relax.

When I get home after a long day of school, the last thing I want to do is to socialize with my family. Now I know this seems super “teenagery,” but being isolated in a room to have some time to myself is actually quite enjoyable. By not having distractions around me, I am able to gain a subtle sense of peace that holds me over until the next time I get the chance to relax, and then the cycle continues.

Now, I’m not saying that in order to achieve happiness you must lock yourself in a room for several hours (though this might work for some), but more of the fact that alone time can really bring peace of mind to those who do so. Sometimes being alone not only positively affects my mood, but also lets me reevaluate my day, giving me time to calm down and be more pleasant around others later on.

People who like to be alone occasionally are often compared and confused with introverts, but in reality, they don’t always mean the same thing. An introvert is someone who is shy and reserved, while a person who likes alone time is just a normal human. Introverts, extroverts, and all other types of “verts” like to have space too. It’s completely natural to not want to be surrounded by people 24/7, and doing so doesn’t require a label.

So to all of the parents out there that are for some reason reading this and concerned about why your child is hiding in a dark room away from all glimpses of civilization, don’t worry about it. I would be more concerned about the fact that you are resorting to a teenage girl’s opinion piece for parental guidance.