Procrastination; my horrible habit


Pierce Goddard, Staff Reporter

I am a very stressed individual. I take on more responsibilities than I can handle until I finally fall into a downward spiral of procrastination. I hold tasks off and forget about them until the last minute, and, before you know it, I’m in a time crunch to finish that essay that I start the last week, or finally getting around to study for the history test I was reminded about every day for the last month, but still found ways to hold off on reviewing.

I am a procrastinator. I could blame it on the fact that I have ADD, but if I’m going to be completely honest, it just has to do with the fact that I am flat out lazy. I will make up some dumb excuse in my head of why there is no possible way that I can finish a task or start on a project that I most likely should be working on.

The problem with waiting until the last moment is that reality has already quickly started to set in. Soon enough, you have piles and piles of paperwork stacking up in front of  your eyes, causing your mind to be crammed with stress.

One might wonder how it is possible to break the habit of procrastination, and believe it or not, it’s quite simple. All you need is an organization system (a.k.a. a planner) and a free day to get caught up on all the work you decided to put off. The weekends are the perfect time to do so and to get get ahead if you know you won’t be able to do the work later.

Overall, procrastination is not only a horrible habit, but it can also hold you back from achieving your goals. If you have your mind set on something, go get it. Don’t let laziness get in your way.