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Monday, March 31, 2025

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

The online student news source of Lovejoy High School

The Red Ledger

Footloose breaks loose into theaters

Footloose breaks loose into theaters

Katie Curry, Staff Reporter September 29, 2011

From Michael Jackson to Usher, the style of singing has shifted over the course of the years as well as the style of dancing. In February of 1984 a musical came out that would be such a big hit that 27...

Ant and the Grasshopper coming to Lovejoy

Jodi Short, Alumni Editor September 20, 2011

The Lovejoy theater draws back the curtain for the 2011-2012 opening of The Ant and the Grasshopper. The play tells the story of the lives of ants as they befriend and learn to work together with a lively...

Barbeque chain comes to Allen

Sam McCorcle, A&E Editor September 12, 2011

The famous Texas barbeque joint, “Rudy’s,” has finally come to the Allen area. With more than 15 locations in the state, it seemed only a matter of time before “Rudy’s” famous barbeque and...

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