Take 2: Union Square Climate Clock, Supreme Court changes
The Take 2 series features brief weekly updates on the state or nation’s relevant news for the community.
September 25, 2020
Climate Clock: The Metronome Clock in Union Square was changed on Saturday and became a countdown clock. The “ClimateClock” countdowns the time left until climate change damage becomes irreversible according to the calculations of the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change. The clock is the work of two climate activists Gan Golan and Andrew Boyd.
Significance: The clock will remain the countdown until the end of Climate Week on Sept. 27. The goal is for the clock to be permanently fixed, whether it remains in Manhattan or someplace else. The numbers serve as a stark, public claim of the climate activists advocating for awareness and change. For Golan and Boyd, the clock should serve as a “constant reminder” of climate change.
SCOTUS changes: The passing of Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Sept.18 created an open seat on the Supreme Court of the United States. President Trump is announcing his nominee pick on Saturday at the White House. The President stated that his pick will be a woman. Judge Amy Coney Bennet is a favorite on the list as of now according to those “familiar with the process.”
Significance: There is controversy surrounding appointing a new justice in an election year. Most Democrats are pushing to postpone the process until a new president is elected, while most Republicans are doing the opposite. A justice is nominated by the president, and is then confirmed by the U.S. Senate. If Trump’s pick is appointed, it will make a six to three balance of Republicans to Democrats in the SCOTUS.