Kelsey Carroll

Seniors Trevor Batastini, Caden Buckner and Quinn McDermott signed to St. Johns university, Birmingham Southern and Trinity University, respectively.

Six athletes sign letter of intent

February 6, 2020

Six athletes signed their collegiate letters of intent yesterday at 3:30 p.m in the main gym. Each student shares their experience with sports during their high school year, and their goals for athletics in college.

Brady Laboret: Cross Country & Track–Western Colorado University

The Red Ledger: What is your sport, and how long have you done it? 

Brady Laboret: I do cross country and track, and I’ve been doing it since 7th grade. I just do it as a high school sport.

TRL: What goals do you have for your college career?

BL: I want to continue getting faster and pushing myself, and maybe even becoming an all-american athlete which is the highest award you can achieve for running. 

TRL: Would you ever consider going professional?

BL: I don’t know. I think that’s something I’ll have to figure out in college, if I want to do that or even if I’m good enough to do that. It is a very cutthroat and elite kind of thing. 

TRL: How has running impacted your life?

BL: It’s definitely made me more disciplined, it’s taught me how to work hard and to push through hard workouts, hard times in my life, and made me a better person that way. 

TRL: What is your best memory regarding this sport?

BL: Just the countless runs I’ve had with my friends, we all have something to talk about and something to share, and it’s really helped me become closer to people

TRL: Why did you choose this school?

BL: I’ve always loved the mountains, and it has a very well regarded cross country team, and I wanted to go there for the academics program as well. It just fit all the things I want, location, community is great, team culture is amazing, good running team, good school. It’s just perfect for me. 

Sofia Estes: Cross Country & Track–Fort Lewis College

The Red Ledger: What sport do you play, and how long have you been playing?

Sofia Estes: I run in cross country, and I’ve been running since 7th grade, and I only practice with Lovejoy.

TRL: What goals do you have for college sports?

SE: Honestly, I just want to improve, and that’s been my goal since the beginning, and then after I sign, the goal is to do the same. 

TRL: Would you ever consider going professional?

SE: No, honestly I didn’t even expect to run in college, but the school had a nice program and the team seemed really nice, and I still enjoy running. So it just fit. 

TRL: How has playing sports impacted your life?

SE: I think it’s been really nice, and it’s kept me productive every day, and it’s a really good stress reliever. I would probably be a lot more stressed out if I didn’t run.

TRL: What is your best memory regarding this sport?

SE: We have a camp that we go to over the summer, we go to Taos in New Mexico, and just going there is really fun. 

TRL: Why did you choose this school?

SE: The team’s really nice, and the coach cares a lot about academics, and even as a collegiate athlete, I want to put academics first, and athletics second.

Trevor Batastini: Lacrosse – St. John’s University

The Red Ledger: What sport do you play and how long have you been playing

Trevor Batasini: I play Lacrosse, and I’ve been playing since the 6th grade, so about six years now. I played for the high school’s team, and also club ball, now I play for StickStar.

TRL: What goals do you have for college sports?

TB: Once I get to St. John’s, I want to thrive on the team, and get as much playing time as I can. Obviously freshman year will be kind of hard, but I want to build myself up the roster, and then I also want to do good in my classes, that’s a huge part of it. 

TRL: Would you ever consider going professional?

TB: If I can go pro, that would be wonderful, I wouldn’t be able to turn down that chance. 

TRL: How has playing sports impacted your life?

TB: Just as a leader in my everyday life, and just really with communications and with people. I’m a very talkative guy, so just on the lacrosse field that shows as well. Right now I’m hurt, so I haven’t been able to play, but i’m just trying to take my captains role and help coach up the younger guys. 

TRL: What is your best memory regarding this sport?

TB: When I got the offer to St.John’s, that was a big deal,and it just felt like all of my hard work paid off over time. If I had to pick a certain game I remember us against Cumberland a few years ago, we were down and a lot of our players were missing. We ended up coming back and I had a few big goals late to win the game.

TRL: Why did you choose this school?

TB: They have a phenomenal business program, and I already know some guys up there. I’m a big city guy. I’m originally from Chicago and went to school downtown, so I love the city life. Plus the alumni at the school going out intp New York for business is crazy, especially with their marketing program, so that was a big deciding factor. 

Caden Buckner: Lacrosse–Birmingham Southern College

The Red Ledger: What sport do you play and how long have you been playing

Caden Buckner: I play lacrosse, and I’ve been playing since the 3rd grade. I play for the Lovejoy lacrosse club as well as Southstar.

TRL: What goals do you have for college sports?

CB: Definitely starting my freshman year, getting a lot of playing time and racking up the records and winning the conference championship.

TRL: Would you ever consider going professional?

CB: Yeah, for sure. Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sports in America, and the evolution of the game keeps growing and growing. 

TRL: How has playing sports impacted your life?

CB: It’s helped with time management and accountability towards myself, and just helping others. 

TRL: What is your best memory regarding this sport?

CB: I’ll probably have to fast forward till May when we’re going to State Championships, so that’s probably my favorite moment.

TRL: Why did you choose this school?

CB: My brother goes there, and the coach has been reaching out to me since the 8th grade, and I’ve known him for the past five years, and they have a really good alumni base. I just like going up there every time I have the opportunity. 

Quinn McDermott: Football–Trinity University

The Red Ledger: What sport do you play, and how long have you been playing?

Quinn McDermott: I play football, and I’ve been playing for about 12 years, since I was six.

TRL: What goals do you have for college sports?

QM: Just make an impact on the team immediately, be a leader and bring the culture of our team to the school that I’m gonna play for. 

TRL: Would you ever consider going professional?

QM: I mean I guess if the opportunity came, I don’t think that’s very likely, so it’s not really what my plan is.

TRL: How has playing sports impacted your life?

QM: It’s impacted it a lot, it has taught me a bunch of skills and life lessons, and given me lifelong friends, it’s like a big brotherhood. 

TRL: What is your best memory regarding this sport?

QM: Best memory would probably have to be the Denison game this year, it was a big comeback win that we had and it set us into the playoffs. 

TRL: Why did you choose this school?

QM: Great academics was a big part of my decision making process, and I visited schools up north, too, but I really wanted to stay close to home, and just still be in Texas.

Jared Langs: Basketball–Wesleyan College

The Red Ledger: What sport do you play, and how long have you been playing?

Jared Langs: I play basketball, and I’ve been playing it for as long as I can remember, probably the 2nd grade. 

TRL: What goals do you have for college sports?

JL: I hope to help my team as best as I can, and make it far in the tournament. 

TRL: Would you ever consider going professional?

JL: I think it would be really cool, it would be really cool to play overseas. It’s not necessarily my goal at my time to play pro, but I’ll see where it takes me. 

TRL: How has playing sports impacted your life?

JL: It’s been pretty big, and it’s taught me a bunch of life lessons like teamwork and working hard for what you want. It’s fun and it’s a great way to meet people. 

TRL: What is your best memory regarding this sport?

JL: My favorite memory is probably going to Kansas over the summer, and we had a team camp up in Kansas.

TRL: Why did you choose this school?

JL: I chose it because over the summer I had gone to a couple of camps, and they were one of the schools who had shown the most interest in me. And when I visited I liked the guys there, and I liked the coach, and it’s just a really high academic school. 

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