Student council sets unique incentive for food drive

Corey Hale

Student Council’s annual food drive will run till Friday this week.

Shivani Radhakrishnan, Staff Writer

Every year, Student Council hosts its own canned food drive for Allen Community Outreach this week through Friday, but this year’s drive has a little twist in an effort to boost donations.

“There is a pie in the face contest where teachers with the most cans in their box get a pie in the face,” said Mr. Cooper. “It’s kind of a reverse psychology thing. Like which teacher do you really think deserves a pie in the face or which teacher do you think will enjoy it.”

Donation boxes are located at the front of the school with each designated teacher’s name on the front. The teacher with the most donations by Friday will be pied in the face at the morning’s homecoming pep rally.

Senior class representative Parker Johnson hopes that student’s dislike or love for their teachers will help to increase the donation count in comparison to previous years.

“In years past we have gotten very few cans, like last year we got a hundred cans and we’re a school of about 3,000 students… we should get a lot more. So we are hoping for about 500 cans this year,” said Johnson.