STUCO attends TASC state convention


17 student council members attended the TASC convention today.

Gabriela Garcia, Staff Reporter

From April 9th through the 11th, seventeen student council members will attend the Texas Association of Student Council state convention in Arlington. There the students will have the opportunity to go to meetings with fellow students, leadership workshops, and visit Six Flags.

“I’m looking forward to being around all of the STUCO students over the weekend,” senior Matt Almy said. “This is my first year in STUCO and all of the students have been very welcoming in assisting me in what I need to accomplish throughout the year.”
         STUCO students will have the chance to pick from a selection of classes and presentations. As well as be able to interact with STUCO members from other schools.

“We end on Tuesday morning with another teacher in another general session,” PreAP Biology and Student Council teacher, Theresa Dollinger said. “They also announce the award at state.”

Student Council will return April 12 with new ideas and improvement on leadership skills.