Carter Bryant

Jessica Wu

Grade: 12

Medium: Watercolor


Describe your piece in three words:

Subtle, washy, personal.

What was your inspiration?

My family.

What were you trying to communicate with this portrait?

My body of work is about my relationship with my father and how my past has affected my present. I used an image from 2000 of me and my dad in New York in front of the Statue of Liberty, so I guess it comments on immigration and cultural differences.

What did you learn from this painting?

This was my first one in my body of work that was installation, so I hung stuff onto the wall and then took a picture and then painted it and that was different for me.

What was going through your head as you were making it?

I was reflecting on my past and my family.

Will you continue with art in the future?

I will be majoring in art or design in college.

If you could hang out with one dead artist, who would it be?

Caravaggio or Georgia O’Keeffe.


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