Ubisoft’s ‘For Honor’ not worth high cost

February 27, 2017
Ubisoft has had a pretty mediocre track record these last couple years. With the absolute mess that was “The Division,” and the bugs that riddled the last few “Assassin’s Creed” games, they have become the source of ridicule from gamers. Unfortunately, Ubisoft’s newest installment, “For Honor,” buckles under its own weight, a true shame for a game that could have been a pure gem.
Starting with the good aspects of the game, the graphics and and the storyline of the game are what should be expected from such a high budget game. The game is beautiful, and the dark colors that saturate the environment fit the grittiness of the games persona. In “For Honor,” players choose to fight with one of three factions, The Legion (knights), The Chosen (samurai), and The Warborn (vikings), with all three factions fighting against one another in an alternate medieval setting. This great and innovative idea unfortunately gets hurt by the game’s lackluster gameplay, awful keyboard controls, and connection issues.
The mouse controls, which play an essential part in blocking enemy attacks, are simply not sensitive enough, but the locking-on mechanism does work quite well. Gameplay is pretty stale after a few hours, and personally, the lack of different modes, combined with connection issues, killed the experience pretty quickly. What the game lacks the most is depth, but with some likely DLC’s coming, the game may improve with time.
Right now, it’s hard to recommend “For Honor,” especially at the pricey cost of $59.99 with not much worthwhile content. When it goes down in price however, around the $20-$30 range, it is worth a pick up for those who enjoy action fighting games with more action than story.
Price: $59.99
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PS4