Leopard Look: Caroline Doran
‘It’s such an amazing experience to be able to kick and perform on the field during the football games, there’s nothing really like it.’
Caroline Doran is involved in many different activities including the majestic, choir, and the French Club.
January 4, 2016
Caroline Doran is a senior who enjoys choir and preforming as a majestic, as well as living life as a senior.
At a Glance:
Favorite TV Show? The Office
Favorite shoe? Sneakers
Socks or shoes? Socks
Favorite color? Gold
Looking Deeper:
The Red Ledger: What are your hobbies?
Caroline Doran: In school I’m involved in Majestics, choir, and French Club. Out of school I enjoy running, snowboarding, playing with my dog, fishing, and language learning.
TRL: How are you enjoying your senior year?
CD: It’s a 9.5 out of 10, the best year yet.
TRL: What do you plan to do after high school?
CD: Attend undecided university, I’m still in the deciding process.
TRL: How did you get into running?
CD: I’ve done either the Lovejoy 1k or 5k every year starting in 3rd grade so it’s always just been something I’ve done. I’m not as hardcore about it as the cross country runners, I usually run leisurely instead of to compete or train. I’m planning on running a half marathon for my senior project so I guess I am “training” for that. But I just use running as a way to clear my mind and do something I enjoy.
TRL: What do you like about majestics?
CD: Some of the best experiences I’ve had in high school have come from Majestics. It’s such an amazing experience to be able to kick and perform on the field during the football games, there’s nothing really like it. Even though I’m not a morning person, the 7 a.m. practices have grown on me because I get to start my day with something that pushes me and also people that push me to do my best. Currently we are working on our dances that we are entering into competitions this year so we have put 110% every morning, but I know all our hard work will pay off when we get the W.
TRL: What about choir appeals to you?
CD: This is my favorite year of choir yet. Maybe it’s just because it’s my senior year but it’s way more fun than previous years. A lot of people have been in choir since 6th grade so I think it’s pretty neat that some of us have been singing together for 6 or 7 years now. Obviously we read and learn different pieces of music but it’s just a nice break from the rest of school to be in a class doing something we all like to do.
TRL: Why did you choose to learn French over Spanish or any other language for that matter?
CD: I think the language is beautiful and the culture is really interesting. Whenever I hear spoken French I’m instantly drawn in but I’m still able to decipher what’s being said. Even though I’m not in a French class this year, I still try to learn on my own by listening to French music and watching movies in French. The goal is to one day be fluent and visit France to make some French friends.