Choir sells butterbraids to fundraise
A flyer displaying the Butterbraid sales options for those interested in supporting the fundraiser.
October 13, 2015
Choir will be taking part in selling butter braids until October 15. These pastries will be delivered to the school in time for Thanksgiving.
“Butter braids pastries made with flour, sugar, and butter,” junior Madison Ray said. “They are made in a small town in Iowa. They will be delivered to the school and we will disperse them throughout to everyone who purchased one.”
After the first two sales, we get five dollars for every sale we make.
“We try to sell as much as we can do that it can pay for our expenses,” sophomore Katie Bardwell said. “It’s better if we raise money through fundraisers, rather than paying for everything ourselves.”
Students look forward to their trips throughout the year.
“Our choir trip is a great way for us to bond,” junior Betsy Zanders said. “We all are very excited for the trip and we look forward to it throughout the year. This year it is possible that we may be taking our trip to Austin. I hope we do because it’s a great city with lots of things to do.”