Review: Metal Gear Solid V

September 17, 2015
The series referred to as “Metal Gear” started in 1987 with the release of the first game of the same name. Ten years later, gamers all over the world were given the first “Metal Gear Solid,” which sparked the series into stardom. This September, “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” was released as the last and final “Metal Gear” game to be directed and written by series founder Hideo Kojima.
“The Phantom Pain” takes place nine years after the climactic end of “Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes,” which was released in 2014 to critical acclaim, but criticized because of its extremely short length. No such grievances will affect “The Phantom Pain” though.
The first chapter in of itself is reported to be over 15 hours long. No surprise here, as even in the beginning the stunning amount of detail and substance put into this game is evident. Without spoiling the plot too much, players take the role of Big Boss in the year 1984. The story revolves around characters returning from previous games, including 2010’s “Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.”
The graphics are on the same level as “Ground Zeroes” and look amazing on the console ports as well. Controls are smooth and easy to learn, even for players not used to shooters. Gameplay is addicting and engaging and doesn’t require much information from the previous games to enjoy fully. There are some great custom features that can be unlocked by exploring the open world and completing side missions as well as the main story. Players can customize followers, their weapons, and others with a huge variety of options.
The $60 price tag is pretty steep, like most new games, but this one is totally worth it. An engaging story, a detailed open world, and awesome custom features makes this game a must buy for anyone at least slightly interested.
Platforms: PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360
Reviewed on Xbox One