A dance to remember


Pierce Goddard, Staff Reporter

Prom: A night where students spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on dresses and pictures in hopes that they someday might remember that ever so-seemingly unforgettable night.

If you are going to go to prom, go all out! But If you aren’t 100 percent sure that this event is what you want to spend your money on, then why even bother. Sometimes fancy dresses and and extravagant meals just aren’t your thing. If this is the case, don’t fret. High school is all about making memories that will last a lifetime and school dances are just a way for alumni to possibly remember a few more memories from back in their glory days. There is nothing wrong with spending your time, and/or money, elsewhere.

Attending prom is totally up to you. Maybe you want to get all dressed up, but decide not to attend the actual dance because of your insane fear of exotic marine life, more power to you. Instead, choose an activity that can still go down in the history books. Create memories that will last a lifetime because that’s what high school is all about.

We are fortunate enough to live in an area where prom can be held at exciting places, like the Dallas World Aquarium. However, not all schools get this privilege. With grand venues comes grand expenses which can be accommodated by the expensive purchase of a prom ticket. Although prices might be set too high for some to attend, fundraisers through the school make this prom possible for all juniors and seniors to access this wonderful night at the aquarium.

And if you weren’t asked to prom, there is no reason for that to stop you. Don’t let somebody elses perception of how prom should be executed affect this time in your life. Plus, going “stag” is all the rage, as teens decide to go in large friend groups rather than an individual couple. Going in groups guarantees no awkward moments and situations that may be faced in small groups or couples, while still capturing the magnitude of the unforgettable night.

You are only in high school once, and not every opportunity given will be reoffered. So when the time comes, make sure you think twice before you say no to prom. And remember, it’s not the dance that is the most memorable part; it’s all of the steps in between that create for one unforgettable evening.