Promposals could earn a free ticket to prom

Junior Andrew Hopkinson asked junior Riley Gournay to prom in relation to her record breaking times this track season.
April 27, 2015
Prom can be a pricey event, with all of the dresses, flowers, transportation, dinners, and the tickets. With tickets prices currently at $80 for one, the school’s prom committee is holding a contest until Friday for the most creative “promposal” with the winner receiving a free ticket.
“The promposal contest is basically the student, or couple, that has the most creative promposal will get one free ticket to prom,” English teacher and prom committee chair Amanda Arriaga said.
With well more than a hundred couples going to prom, the promposal must be creative to out due everyone else.
“I think the contest is cool,” junior Emma Legare said. “It gives boys initiative, or some sort of motivation, to make a cool one.”
The contest only gives out one free ticket which has some students puzzled.
“I think that the winner should get two free tickets,” junior Katie Albers said. “If the boy goes through the trouble of promposing in a big way, they should at least get a free ticket for both you and your date.”
But Arriaga explains the reason behind this.
“We decided to only give away one ticket because we can’t afford to give away too many,” Arriaga said. “Also I felt like one was a nice reward.”
The prom committee will decide on a winner based off the favorites of each committee member.
“The prom committee will be voting on who wins,” Arriaga said. “We actually have a meeting next week. They will each come with their top three promposals that they believe were the most creative promposals and then we will vote as a team to decide the winner.”
The prom committee thinks that the students will be pleased with the prom room.
“I am excited about the location, how beautiful the room is going to look, and how stunned the students are going to be when they see the room,” Arriaga said. “I can’t wait to see their faces.”