A world without medicine


Pierce Goddard, Staff Reporter

Lately I have wondered about what would happen if medicines that fix non-life threatening  illnesses did not exist. Similar to before antibiotics were even created, but with a twist.

Now, I understand that in some cases, medicine is necessary to stay alive. But, for the other millions of humans on the earth that take Advil because they have a little headache, they wouldn’t know that it will be gone in a few hours because they pop those migraine relievers as soon as a sign of one shows up.

I honestly can’t remember the last time that I have gone a day without taking some type of medicine, whether it be mood altering medicine, or allergy medicine. I don’t know what my brain would do without my daily supplement of drugs. Everyday I wake up, wash my face, put on my clothes for that day, eat breakfast, and take my medicine.

I have quite a bad case of ADD, and although it can be a problem sometimes, it also ensures that there will never be a dull moment in my life. Ever since I have been put on ADD medicine, I have become a different person. Whether this change is good or bad, well, I might not ever know the answer to that, but what I do know is that I’m tired of being morphed into someone else’s idea of what I should be like.

Who determined what the ideal attitude one must obtain in order to be normal? I strongly believe that ADD medicine, along with other mood-altering drugs, are only considered “necessary” because some doctor didn’t like the way his kid was acting, so he created a drug to adjust to create an optimal adolescent.

Although that I’m 99.9 percent sure that my assumption is not true, it’s the message that counts.

Society has become so dependent on medicine. The more times new illnesses are  discovered or diagnosed, the more hypochondriacs are added to this earth. Medicine has created this horrendous fear that has caused an extremely huge unneeded amount of cautiousness.

I understand that medicine has saved many lives, and new discoveries have found cures to the most incurable diseases, but I don’t always think medicine is used for the right reasons. With so many different kinds of medication available, prescription drugs have become abused by too many users.

A world without drugs may be the worst idea ever, but it might be just what some of us need to actually find who we actually are.