Freshmen all over campus are finding their thing. Some find out that they love to wrestle, for other it’s choir. But one freshman has decided to take the acting road.
“I take acting at Cathryn Sullivan’s acting studio in Louisville,” freshman Jessica Lucé said. “She is one of the top acting teachers in Texas. She taught Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and a bunch of other people. Cathryn is amazing. She is like a mom and she is so good at her job. I have been taking classes with her for two years”
After learning from one of the best around, some of the classes paid off when Lucé was cast in a commercial.
“I did a carpet Dalworth commercial,” Jessica said. “We had a family friend who was a director and he knew was like ‘I know you’re an actor.’ The commercial was really fun. The set was actually just a normal house, we didn’t go to a fake house set or anything. The overall experience was fun. There was lights, microphones, and big cameras.”

Jessica Luce has meet many other actors, posing with her acting teacher, Cathryn Sullivan.
Jessica is represented by the Campbell Agency with her family her biggest fans, most of the time.
“I think Jessica’s acting is fun,” mom Jill Lucé said. “I love seeing her do comedy but hate seeing her in a drama scene where she’s crying because something bad happened to her in her characters past or in the scene.”
She does most everything herself. She writes the song, films herself, tapes the song and then she edits a bunch. Her editing takes the longest, she has taught herself so much
Jessica Luce shot commercials for various local businesses in addition to her YouTube channel.
Once she decided to start her own channel, which has almost reached 2000 subscribers, she made the decision to do most of it herself.
“She does most everything herself,” Jill said. “She writes the song, films herself, tapes the song and then she edits a bunch. Her editing takes the longest, she has taught herself so much! Her dad and I help when it comes to getting her equipment she needs or to do a cameo appearance in her parodies, like in the ‘LAZY Parody.’ Betsy Zanders helps her film sometimes, i.e. for the Frozen Parody.”
But when it comes to putting videos online, there are some worries from parents.
“This is a bit scary, I try to make sure she’s appropriate and make sure she doesn’t give out too much info,” Jill said. “We talked about only communicating with the people who write on her channel, to write back only on her channel and notify YouTube of anything inappropriate.”
In the future she hopes to continue on the path she has chosen.
“I hope to get more subscribers and fans,” Jessica said. “I also hope to land roles in more TV shows, movies, and commercials. A dream I have is to have my own TV show where I am a funny character.”