The long wait for off-campus lunch will be over for seniors on March 13. But it will only be for a day as it will be a pilot test to see if off-campus lunch is something that could work.
“Friday, March 13, is currently the only scheduled day for this pilot,” principal Chris Mayfield said. “We will be looking to see if the time for lunch is appropriate, how it impacts the class period schedule, etc. If successful, we may look at additional dates this spring. At this time there is no plan for off-campus lunch to become a daily occurrence in the future.”
The system and schedule for off-campus will be tested in this pilot test, and will determine if it is successful or not.
“A successful pilot for me will be where students are able to safely leave campus, get something to eat, and return safely in the time allotted,” Mayfield said. “It will be a learning experience for sure.”
For the pilot test, permission slips must be signed by parents in order to receive the off-campus pass. The off-campus pass and student ID must be present for the student to leave the school.
“Teachers will know that a student is taking off-campus because students who are eligible will be provided with a pass for off-campus lunch and can show it to their teacher,” Mayfield said.
An executive council consisting of Key Club members, PALS, and Student Council have been discussing, debating, and planning this test.
“The council has been meeting about once a month to try to decide different options for off campus lunch,” executive council member Kate Morgan said. “We have been meeting with Principal Mayfield frequently to touch base with administration’s thoughts about what it should be and express our views about what we think it should be. It’s been a long process to see how we are going to get enough time for people to go off campus and come back safely, as well as keeping the schedule intact.”
Off-campus lunch could be a helpful tool in easing the crowded lunch rooms.
“I think we should have off-campus lunch because as the school is growing, the cafeteria is becoming overcrowded at all of the lunches,” Morgan said. “To get in line and get through the lunch lines, it takes about one-third of the lunch period. Also, for people that can drive, if they forget their lunch and do not have any money in their account, they can just go home and eat lunch. I think that as the incoming classes are getting bigger, off-campus lunch is going to be something that needs to happen, not only for seniors, but juniors as well, so that the cafeteria is not completely full.”
Many seniors would love the opportunity to have off-campus lunch because it grants them the freedom to choose their own meals, and they feel they have earned the privilege.
“I want off-campus lunch so I can get food that I actually want in my lunch,” senior Emmaline Stockton said. “Then I can have a bunch of different options, and I have a longer time for lunch.”