Secular students


Pierce Goddard, Staff Reporter

Throughout history, man and woman have practiced thousands of different types of religions and belief systems, all for the same sole purpose of living a good, healthy life. Religion is basically a guideline of what is “right” and “wrong” in the world, while giving people answers to the ever so questionable great unknown. No one religion is neither correct, nor wrong, but merely your preference of what you decide to be true and just in your eyes.

Throughout this school year, I have met quite a few people who feel the same way I do, yet have kept it a secret because of the way that society might view them. I mean, it’s scary to be different in a place where differences are frowned upon. Knowing that there is an underground secular community at our school is somewhat reassuring to not only myself, but to my fellow classmates who are hesitant to share their own views on spirituality.

These beliefs of secularism may not also be a permanent feeling. This take on spirituality that some have adopted at the moment is one of many stepping stones down the glorious path of life. So yes, it is completely acceptable to change your belief in order to understand what you want your underlying principles and morals to be.

Although some may not willing to admit it, many teenagers don’t realize that it is okay to think for themselves and to formulate their own opinion on how they want to view the world and live their lives.

As children, we were taught to believe what our parents taught us to believe. While some carry on the religious family rituals because of actual interest and belief to this certain way of life, others merely carry on the rituals because it’s what is normal to them, leading to a failure to properly pursue and practice the religion.

Just because religion heavily influences the morals in most students’ lives doesn’t mean that those who choose not to practice a religion have bad morals. Being secular doesn’t typify someone as having low standards or ethics. For example, the Bible states that giving your time and money to help improve others’ lives is a quality that should be implemented in good Christians’ lives. With that said, someone with no religious ties is able to think, feel and do the same type of work for the same amount of satisfaction, without it corresponding with some type of spirituality.

We are given the freedom of religion, but at the same time, people have the right to not be religious at all.