Swimmers go to state tournament

Rachel Vaughn is one of the state qualified swimmers competing in the tournament at University of Texas at Austin.
February 12, 2015
Two Leopard swimmers will be competing at the state swimming tournament Feb. 20-21 at the UT Austin swim center. Senior Drew Carson will be swimming in the 100 yard butterfly and the 200 yard freestyle with senior Rachel Vaughn swimming in the 100 meter breaststroke.
“I am hoping to final in the 200 yard freestyle which means I beat at least eight out of the 16 people that are there, and I want to break a 1:42,” Carson said.
Carson has even higher hopes for the 100 meter butterfly.
“In my 100 yard butterfly I want to get on the podium, which I think will be pretty difficult, but I think I can manage to do that,” Carson said.
Vaughn hopes to break her personal and school record in the breaststroke.
“I expect to drop time and break my school record again,” Vaughn said. “I just want to score points for the team.”
For both Carson and Vaughn, the opportunity to compete in the state meet is important.
“It means that I have done everything I possibly can and have done my best this season,” Vaughn said. “It means all of my hard training has paid off and I did everything right to get me to this point.”
Carson see’s this opportunity as a representation of all of his hard work throughout his swimming career.
“I’ve been swimming since I was in fourth grade essentially, so going to the state meet my senior year is the culmination of all the hard work that I’ve done,” Carson said.
A finish on the podium would be a story book ending for the swimmers.
“If I could get on the podium then that would be the perfect capstone to the work that I’ve done since fourth grade,” Carson said.