Sports go on despite holiday break

Although school is closed for winter break, many sports teams, including swimming, will be practicing over the break.
December 19, 2014
Even though students are released for a two week break Friday, some athletes will still be spending some of their break at the school. In-season sports like basketball, golf, swimming, and wrestling will still be practicing.
The wrestling team will be taking place in a tournament during the first week, but after that they get a break.
“We have a tournament the first weekend of the break at Wylie East, and then we get a break until the second week when we have a 3 or 4 hour practice each day,” junior Bo Bidleman said.
However, with the timing of the wrestling practices, they won’t disrupt break too much for Bidleman.
“Most of our workouts are in the morning from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.or something so it doesn’t really interfere with most of our break,” Bidleman said. “You’ll just be tired doing things the rest of that day.”
Leopard swimmers are in a situation similar to that of the wrestlers.
“Not much time is taken away from the break for practice because the practices are 2 hours in the morning that I would typically be sleeping anyways, so I won’t be missing out on anything,” freshman Sloan Carevic said.
With swimming practice early in the morning, it may cause some swimmers to be home earlier than they normally would.
“Sometimes practices prevent me from spending the night at friends’, because if I do then I won’t be fully energized for practice the next day,” Carevic said. “But besides that it doesn’t limit my typical activities.”
As for the golfing team, there are no scheduled practices. However, the head golf coach has advised the golfers to practice on their own over the break however they can.
“Coach Farrell has encouraged us to practice on our own to continue building our skills and improving our game,” senior Maddie Pool said. “And even though it’s cold outside we need to still find ways to practice. Top Golf is a great option over the holidays!”