The Wolf Among Us leaves room for improvement
If they player can figure out how to reverse the black screen problems on PC, then it’s worth it. Otherwise pick up the excellent The Wolf Among Us, on a console platform.
April 21, 2014
If there is anyone in the gaming industry who can give gamers a good story, it’s Telltale Games. First it was The Walking Dead, now with The Wolf Among Us, Telltale has given gamers another treat. With the recent release of “Episode 3” of The Wolf Among Us, gamers are drawn farther into the fantasy world of Detective Bigby Wolf and the mystery that has enveloped Fabletown, a fictional version of a city much like New York.
Graphics are comic like and will be very familiar to those who have played The Walking Dead. Voice acting is top notch quality; no skips, out of place dialogue or awful character actions anywhere, which is a definite pro. All Telltale games are broken up into five parts, called episodes, that are about three-four hours long and are released every couple months. This may turn some gamers away from the series, but it’s worth the wait in the end. The story is fast paced, molded by the players decisions as they help Bigby find the murderer running loose in Fabletown. Because the story is molded largely by the player’s decision, there are infinite possibilities to the ending of each episode and in turn the game itself.
Unfortunately, there are some very annoying bugs and glitches that have plagued PC users for some time now. While starting up the game, PC users might encounter a black screen, virtually making the game unplayable unless the user tinkers with the game files.The game itself is amazing, but the way it was developed was poorly ported for PC systems.