Breathing is, like, 12th on my list of priorities
January 27, 2014
It takes me 25 minutes to drive to school because I have to pick up my friend, and 10 minutes to drive home.
It takes me 30 minutes to get ready because society has told me I look hideous without makeup so often that I honestly feel that it is true. Then I have to get dressed, which, admittedly, generally consists of pulling on the first pair of jeans and XL men’s shirt I can find, but still. If I hurry, sometimes I even get to have some dry cereal and coffee. Breakfast of champions.
I am legally required to attend school for 7 and a half hours a day.
The one extracurricular activity I’m in- the musical- takes about 5 hours of rehearsal a night on show week.
Obviously, I have to shower every day because putting on a musical is a surprisingly aerobic activity, so that’s about 20 more minutes.
Any junior or senior and most sophomores can tell you that AP classes usually give a minimum of 2 hours of homework a week. I am in 5 AP classes.
If I were to follow the recommendations of every health professional ever, I would be getting 9 and a half hours of sleep a night. I don’t think I even need to tell you what a joke that is. But I do need close to 8 hours if I don’t want to be an exhausted emotional wreck the next day.
There are 120 hours in a school week
I have exactly 25 minutes for free time this week. That’s not per day. That’s in all. That’s 5 minutes a day. I have 5 minutes to relax. And I usually use those to eat, which I consider pretty important, but if I’m crunched for time, I can eat while I’m doing homework. I check my e-mail for college and senior project information and I talk to my friends during school. I work on homework during rehearsal. I sometimes (please don’t judge me) get on Tumblr or Netflix on my iPad while I’m taking a shower. I am miserably behind on watching TV.
People say that we’re a generation of multitaskers, and who can blame us? There are only so many hours in a day, and if you want to do anything with your life, you have to take AP or dual-credit classes, be involved in things like, say, musicals or newspaper or choir or athletics or all of the above. A lot of people get part-time jobs because their parents won’t pay for gas or because they just want a little extra spending money or because they’re fiscally responsible.
Somehow, we manage to squeeze all this into a day. However, I am a huge proponent of free time, therefore am not a big fan of this system.
I am exhausted.
And, judging by the sheer number of times I’ve heard the phrase, “I’m tired,” from people in the halls, it is statistically probable that you are too.
Michael Rosen • Jan 28, 2014 at 9:17 am
“MAA’M? Can I go outside and do some BREATHING?”
“NO! You’ve got all playtime to do it!”